UN Climate Change Conference - November 2017 meetings schedule

schedule for

Time Title Room Notes
08:00-09:00 African Group daily coordination meeting Nairobi 1/2/3 Closed
08:00-09:00 SIDS daily coordination meeting Bangkok Closed
08:30-09:00 Care Abount Climate: Youth Perspective on the Future of Global Agriculture Press Conference Room 2
09:00-10:00 G77 and China daily coordination meeting Chamber Hall Closed
09:00-10:00 GCA Kick-off Briefing: Transport, Human Settlements, Oceans & Coastal Zones (open to all) Media Events Room
09:00-10:00 IPO daily meeting De Brum Closed
09:00-10:00 YOUNGO daily meeting MEETING ROOM 10 Closed
09:00-10:00 ENGO daily meeting Koro Closed
09:00-10:00 Women & Gender daily meeting MEETING ROOM 3 Closed
09:00-10:00 RINGO daily meeting Taveuni Closed
09:00-10:00 TUNGO daily meeting MEETING ROOM 9 Closed
09:00-10:00 Farmers Daily meeting MEETING ROOM 4 Closed
09:00-10:00 BINGO Daily meeting MEETING ROOM 11 Closed
09:00-10:00 Delegation Rwanda on behalf of COMIFAC Montreal Closed
09:00-10:00 EIG Coordination Meeting Kleiner Saal Closed
10:00-11:00 GCA: Transport Day Opening session: Setting the scene and achieving future goals MEETING ROOM 8
10:00-11:00 SBI informal consultation on administrative, financial and institutional matters Rakiraki Closed
10:00-11:15 GCA: Oceans and Coastal Zones Opening Plenary: Oceans actions and charting future directions MEETING ROOM 6
10:00-11:30 GCA: Human Settlements Opening Plenary: Setting the stage – Impact and potential MEETING ROOM 2
10:00-12:00 SBSTA contact group on matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Genf
10:00-18:00 UNFCCC: Day of the Direct Access Entities: Enhancing Collaboration through South-South Cooperation MEETING ROOM 7
10:00-11:00 SBI informal consultation on work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from non Annex I Parties AH UPPER Conference Room
10:00-11:00 SBI informal consultation on ways of enhancing the implementation of education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information to enhance actions under the Paris Agreement AH LOWER Conference Room
10:00-10:30 University of California: Small Island Developing States celebrated for marine conservation in contributing to Paris Agreement implementation Press Conference Room 2
11:00-11:30 GCA: Transport initiatives: Scaling up action and ambition on transport MEETING ROOM 8
11:00-12:00 SBSTA informal consultations on technology framework under Article 10, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Bangkok
11:00-12:00 APA agenda item 8: informal consultations on issues exept Adaptation Fund Santiago de Chile
11:00-12:00 APA agenda item 4: informal consultations on further guidance in relation to the adaptation communication, including, inter alia, as a component of nationally determined contributions, referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 10 and 11, of the PA Nairobi 1/2/3
11:00-11:30 SBI informal consultation on provision of financial and technical support AH UPPER Conference Room
11:00-11:30 Presentation of atmosfair’s Airline Index Press Conference Room 2
11:30-12:45 GCA: Policy making and target setting for the transport sector MEETING ROOM 8
11:30-12:45 GCA: Sustainable freight for a low-carbon transport system MEETING ROOM 6
11:30-13:00 GCA: Multi-level governance -  An opportunity for effective climate change adaptation MEETING ROOM 2
11:30-13:00 GCA: Planners for Climate Action: Urban and regional planners take climate action. MEETING ROOM 10
11:30-13:00 GCA: Resilience of fisheries and aquaculture to climate change: Food and livelihood approaches MEETING ROOM 12
11:30-13:00 UN: Ocean Day at COP23 - Science and Oceans: IPCC Report and Other Developments - Workshop 1 MEETING ROOM 1
11:30-12:00 SBI informal consultation on compilation and synthesis of second biennial reports from Annex I Parties AH UPPER Conference Room
11:30-12:00 Climate Action Network International Press Conference Room 2
11:30-13:00 GCA: Ocean energy and offshore RE technologies as enablers of environmental/economic development of SIDS MEETING ROOM 11
12:00-13:00 Open-ended consultation on behalf of the President on accelerating the implementation of the pre-2020 commitments and actions and increasing the pre-2020 ambition in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19 Rakiraki Closed
Parties and Observer States only
12:00-13:00 SBI informal consultation on Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer Bangkok
12:00-13:00 APA agenda item 7: informal consultations on modalities and procedures for the effective operation of the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance referred to in Art.15 , p. 2, of the PA Santiago de Chile
12:00-13:00 SBSTA informal consultations on research and systematic observation Koro
12:00-13:00 SBI/SBSTA informal consultation on impact of the implementation of response measures Wien 1/2
12:00-12:30 Gold Standard Foundation: Launch of Hack4Climate: world’s first hackathon on blockchain technology in climate Press Conference Room 2
12:00-13:00 SBI informal consultation on coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by developing countries Addis Abeba 1/2 Closed
12:00-13:00 SBI informal consultation on matters relating to the least developed countries . Berlin
13:00-14:00 Arab Group Meeting Santiago de Chile Closed
13:00-14:00 LDCs daily coordination meeting AH UPPER Conference Room Closed
13:00-13:30 CAN International Press Conference Room 2
13:00-14:00 Coalition for Rainforest Nations Daily Coordination Meeting Tokio 1/2 Closed
13:00-14:00 Pacific Island Delegations Meeting LE 2712 Closed
13:15-14:45 GCA: What is possible? Pathways to net zero/zero emission buildings MEETING ROOM 2
13:15-14:45 UN: One UN for Climate-compatible & resilient cities: Sustainable cities as a driver for climate action MEETING ROOM 10
13:15-14:45 GCA: Accessing financial resources and mobilizing financial institutions MEETING ROOM 12
13:15-14:45 GCA: Accelerating urban transformation: Financing & implementing infrastructure in cities/regions MEETING ROOM 1
13:15-14:45 UNFCCC: Supporting the implementation of Technology Action Plans MEETING ROOM 9
13:15-14:45 GCA: Blue Carbon MEETING ROOM 11
13:30-14:00 Yale University: Report Release: The Climate Change in the Chinese and American Mind 2017 Press Conference Room 2
13:45-15:00 GCA: Shifting personal mobility through innovations in transport technologies, systems and planning MEETING ROOM 8
13:45-15:00 GCA: Climate change adaptation for transport infrastructure: Opportunities for engagement MEETING ROOM 6
14:00-15:00 G77 and China daily coordination meeting Chamber Hall Closed
14:00-15:00 Eastern European Group AH LOWER Conference Room
14:00-14:30 Fundación Avina: Argentinian Municipalities taking action in face of climate Change Press Conference Room 2
14:00-15:00 Delegation of India on behalf of LMDCs LE 2105 Closed
14:00-15:30 CCS, GEI: US-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy Technology Implementation Inside and Outside China South Africa PAVILION
14:00-15:00 Ethanol Europe's partnership with COP 23 and progressing the SDGs Climate Action Studio
15:00-16:15 GCA: Accelerating the adoption of clean vehicles MEETING ROOM 8
15:00-16:15 GCA: Reducing maritime transport GHG emissions: Decarbonising supply chains MEETING ROOM 6
15:00-16:30 GCA: Buildings contributing to Sustainable Development Goals MEETING ROOM 2
15:00-17:00 SBSTA contact group on matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Cancelled Genf
15:00-16:30 GCA: Building the more sustainable city MEETING ROOM 10
15:00-16:00 COP informal consultations on review of the effective implementation of CTCN Bangkok Open except media
15:00-15:30 U.S. Senators at COP 23 to Support Paris Agreement Press Conference Room 1
15:00-16:00 APA agenda item 4: informal consultations on further guidance in relation to the adaptation communication, including, inter alia, as a component of nationally determined contributions, referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 10 and 11, of the PA Nairobi 1/2/3
15:00-16:00 APA agenda item 6: informal consultations on matters relating to the global stocktake referred to in Article 14 of the PA Santiago de Chile
15:00-16:30 GCA: Ecosystem-based adaptation in ocean and coastal zones MEETING ROOM 12
15:00-16:30 GCA: #CitiesIPCC: Advancing science to accelerate effective climate action in human settlements. MEETING ROOM 1
15:00-16:00 CMP informal consultations on report of the Adaptation Fund Board AH UPPER Conference Room Parties and Observers only
15:00-16:30 GCA: Migration and displacement: Risk reduction and preparedness MEETING ROOM 11
16:00-18:00 Informal stocktaking plenary by the President Plenary New York
16:00-17:00 SBSTA/SBI informal consultations on the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network Bangkok
16:00-17:00 APA agenda item 6: informal consultations on matters relating to the global stocktake referred to in Article 14 of the PA Santiago de Chile
16:00-17:00 APA agenda item 8: informal consultations on issues related to Adaptation Fund AH UPPER Conference Room
16:00-17:00 SBSTA informal consultations on the Nairobi Work Programme Wien 1/2
16:15-16:45 GCA: Transport Closing session: Next steps for the transport sector MEETING ROOM 8
16:30-17:00 Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: U.S. CAFE Standards and the Role of Car Companies Press Conference Room 2
16:30-17:45 CEEW, Brown University - Watson Institute, CIGI: Enhanced Transparency Framework for Climate Actions WWF PAVILION
16:45-18:15 GCA: Transforming the buildings and construction sector MEETING ROOM 2
16:45-18:15 GCA: City Climate Planner Certificate programme, Guiding principles for City Climate Action Planning MEETING ROOM 10
16:45-18:15 GCA: Oceans and Coastal Zones Closing Plenary: Summary and action follow-up MEETING ROOM 12
16:45-18:15 The Carbon Trust, Lund University, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy: Role of innovation and policy to catalyse deep decarbonisation of energy intensive industries MEETING ROOM 4
16:45-18:15 UN: Sustainable Mobility in a Changing Climate MEETING ROOM 11
17:00-17:30 SBI informal consultation on third review of the Adaptation Fund AH UPPER Conference Room
17:00-18:00 SBI/SBSTA informal consultation on impact of the implementation of response measures Wien 1/2
17:00-18:00 SBI informal consultation on gender and climate change Tokio 1/2
17:30-18:00 COP informal consultations on matters relating to the SCF AH UPPER Conference Room Parties and Observers only
17:30-18:00 WCC: Brama Kumaris World Spiritual University - Changing lifestyle for a sustainable future Press Conference Room 2
18:00-19:00 APA agenda item 3: informal consultations on further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of decision 1/CP.21 Genf
18:00-19:00 SIDS daily coordination meeting Bangkok Closed
18:00-19:00 SBSTA informal consultations on local communities and indigenous peoples platform Santiago de Chile
18:00-19:00 African Group daily coordination meeting Nairobi 1/2/3 Closed
18:00-19:00 SBI informal consultation on review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance AH UPPER Conference Room
18:00-18:30 SBI informal consultation on annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building Tokio 1/2
18:00-19:00 ALBA GROUP LE 2112 Closed
18:30-20:00 GCA: Human Settlements Closing Roundtable: Recommendations for sustainable human settlements MEETING ROOM 2
18:30-20:00 Chile, Oceana Inc.: How to build an Ocean NDC? A Practical guide on ocean resilience MEETING ROOM 12
18:30-20:00 GCF: GCF Update — 2017 Progress in Supporting Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Pathways MEETING ROOM 7
18:30-20:00 UN: Ocean and climate: A resilient ocean for future generations MEETING ROOM 9
18:30-19:00 SBI informal consultation on capacity-building under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol Tokio 1/2
19:00-20:00 LDCs daily coordination meeting AH UPPER Conference Room Closed
19:00-20:00 LMDC Coordination dailymeeting Nairobi 4 Closed